Past seminars are available on DVD – FREE OF CHARGE!
2020 Risk Management Seminar
1. So You Thought Breach of Contract and Professional Negligence Claims Were Your Only Concern; Extra-Contractual Claims Faced by Design Professionals
2. They Agreed (or did not Agree) to DO WHAT?
3. Copyright Protection for Architectural Plans and Works
2019 Risk Management Seminar
1. Unraveling the Mysteries of the EJCDC Contract Documents
2. Claims Statistics and Case Studies: What Design Professionals Can Learn
3. OSHA Inspections and Citations
2018 Professional Liability Seminar
1. Changes to the AIA Standard Form Contracts and EJCDC Form Contracts
2. What You Need To Know About Your Professional Services Contract
2017 Professional Liability Seminar
1. Cyber Issues for Design Professionals
2. The Nuances of Administering the Contract for Construction
3. Body Injury Claims and the Design Professional
2016 Professional Liability Seminar
1. Battlefield Stories and What Inquiring Minds Want to Know
2. Don’t Let CM Obligations Be the Claim Maker
3. Engineering a Good Project
2015 Professional Liability Seminar
1. Professional Conduct
2. Managing Risks through Contracts
3. The Potential Pitfalls of Integrated Project Delivery
2014 Professional Liability Seminar
1. Risks in Contractor Led Design Build
2. Risks in Electronic Media
3. War Stories
2013 Professional Liability Seminar
1. Indemnity Issues
2. Managing Risk through Better Contracts
3. Risk Control: Construction Phase Services
2012 Professional Liability Seminar
1. Does the Design Professional Have a Legal Duty to Entities with which it Does Not Have a Contract?
2. The New Statute of Limitations (effective 1-1-2012)
3. Quality Assurance & Quality Control
4. Recent Developments in Contractural Indemnity and the Duty to Defend: The Insurer’s Perspective
2011 Professional Liability Seminar
1. Pitfalls Involved with Contract Administration & Site Observation
2. The Seven Deadly Sins of Professional Practice
3. Land Transfer Surveying Standards (changes effective February 2011)
4. BIM – What It Means to Design Professionals
2010 Professional Liability Seminar
1. Project Pricing & Changes in Today’s Market
2. 10 Rules for Safe Practice
3. LEED Certification and Loss Certainty: Managing the Risk of Green Claims
4. Code Compliance Requirement in Today’s Contract Documents – New ADA Guidelines
2009 Professional Liability Seminar
1. Integrated Project Delivery
2. Why Claims are Made – Can You Avoid the Pitfalls?
2008 Professional Liability Seminar
1. The New AIA Documents
2. Minnesota Bridge No. 9340 – What Can We Learn From It’s Failure?
3. Internal Risk Management
2007 Professional Liability Seminar
1. Recent Trends and Decisions Impacting Design Professionals
2. The Rationale Behind the Risk Mitigation Credit
3. Issues on the Horizon
4. Building Information Modeling
5. Risk Mitigation Credits – What Is It?
2006 Professional Liability Seminar
1. Are Clients Perfection Expectations Evolving to a “Perfect” Standard?
2. Is an Architect/Engineer Responsible for Project Cost Overruns that are Based on Their Errors and/or Omissions?
3. Claims and Coverage Issues
4. Recent Cases Involving Michigan Construction Law
5. Benchmarking Claims Information – A Look at National Trends
2005 Key Critical Risk Management Processes in Project Delivery
1. Pre-Project Planning Process
2. Contracting Process
3. Scope Definition and Control Process
4. Communications and Documentation Process
5. Contract Administration Process
2004 The Hyatt Skywalk Revisited
What Happened? Could it Happen Again?
1. The State of the Current Statute of Limitations
2. Building Commissioning and Green Buildings
3. Claims Refresher Course 101
2003 Characteristics of a Best Practices Firm
1. Inter-relationship Between a Best Practices Firm and Current Trends in Professional Liability Cases in Michigan
2. What Your Insurance Company Expects From You
3. International Building Code
2002 What you Need to Know
The Use of Documents by the Design Professional in Construction
1. Documents/Bidding Phase
2. Risk Management in a Hard Market
3. Mold – Fact or Fiction
4. Firm Practices that Virtually Guarantee a Visit by Your Claims Adjuster
2001 Risk Management in a Busy Environment
1. The Changing Insurance Market
2. RFI’s
3. Change Orders
4. Shop Drawings
5. Job Site Safety
2000 Employment Practices “You can’t do that anymore”
1. Surety Bonding “The road to securing bonds”
2. Errors & Omissions Claims “Taking the mystery out of the litigation process”
1999 Revisiting Construction Phase Services and
Identifying Risk in Connection with Varying Modes of Project Delivery
1. Contractual Provision
2. Site SafetyShop Drawings
3. Scope Creep
4. Design/Bid/Build
5. Construction Management
6. Design Build
1998 A Look at Contracts
1. B141 Issues
2. A201 Issues
1997 Issue – Job Site Safety
1996 Principles of Risk Management
1. Design/Bid/Build
2. Design Build
3. Construction Management
4. Partnering
5. ADR Mechanisms
1995 Understanding and Managing Risk
1. Workshop Foundation
2. Risk Management Fundamentals
3. General Pre-Contractual and Contractual Matters
4. Risk Related Considerations in Rendering Design Phase Services
5. Risk Related Considerations in Rendering Construction Phase Services
1994 Risk Management and Documentation
1. Professional Services Contract
2. Purpose of Contracts
3. Guidelines in Developing a Contract
4. What, When and How to Properly Document Your Files