Contact information for insurance companies on architecture/engineering policies

There are different departments to contact at the insurance companies based on your firm’s need.  Your first contact will be your insurance agent but in case they are not available here are some resources.

Hartford Insurance Company

The main contact information for business insurance for Hartford is 1-866-467-8730.  Have your billing account number or policy number ready when you call.

Workers’ compensation claims have a link you can report online:

For general liability claims with Hartford you can either call or report a claim online:

Commercial property claims can also be reported online or with a phone call:

If your firm has a professional liability claim here is the contact information:

The Hartford

Hartford Financial Lines

One Hartford Plaza

Hartford, CT 06115

Fax: (917) 464-6000

Travelers Insurance Company

For any policy service questions, you will contact your Travelers agent.

Workers’ compensation claims with Travelers you will begin at this link:

General liability claims with Travelers, here is a link to call or complete a form online:

Commercial property claims with Travelers, they also have a phone number or link to file a claim:

Professional liability claims with Travelers can be reported to:


Phone: 1-800-842-8496

Fax: 1-888-460-6622

Mail: Travelers Bond & Specialty Insurance Claim

P.O. Box 2989

Hartford, CT 06104-2989

Here are a few other companies for professional liability claims reporting.


Attn: AE Claims

Victor Insurance Managers Inc.

AE Professional Liability Claims

7700 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 400

Bethesda, Maryland 20814

fax: 301-951-5444

RLI Insurance company

Email (preferred):

Fax: (866) 692-6796

Phone: (800) 444-0406

Street Address: 9025 N. Lindbergh Drive, Peoria, IL 61615

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3961, Peoria, IL 61612-3961

Great American Insurance Company

(1) Emailed to:; or

(2) Mailed to: Great American Insurance Group

Professional Liability Division

PO Box 1178

Cincinnati, OH 45201; or

(3) Fax: 855-806-8402

Your firm may always call your insurance agent first in the case of a claim, billing or policy question.  Please call, or email, your Professional Underwriter agent for assistance.

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