Choosing the right Automobile Insurance to protect your family and your vehicles can be a frustrating and confusing time for many. Understanding what coverages aren’t automatically included, but can typically be purchased, can help you make the right decisions for your insurance needs. Below are some highlighted additional coverage options that you may not realize are included on your current Automobile Insurance Policy. As well as some you may want to purchase.
Accident forgiveness
Accidents happen and when they do, good drivers shouldn’t have to pay the price. With accident forgiveness, your first surchargeable accident in a certain period will be forgiven. That means no surcharge points and no increase in premium as a result of that accident.
Car seat replacement
This coverage helps replace a child’s car seat if damaged during a covered loss, up to a limit, with no deductible.
Excess custom equipment
Specified coverage for custom equipment such as accessories or devices installed by someone other than the manufacturer.
Excess electronic equipment
Specified coverage for permanently installed electronic equipment not original to the vehicle.
Mechanical parts
This is coverage for mechanical parts (e.g., non-body related auto parts such as tires and batteries) without deduction for depreciation.
Original equipment manufacturer (OEM)
OEM provides coverage for OEM parts for the current and two previous model years of a vehicle.
Ultimate rental
Ultimate rental expands your transportation expense coverage, and pays your daily rental limit for as long as it takes to repair or replace your vehicle, up to a specified limit.
Vehicle key replacement
This coverage provides up to a specified limit for lost, broken, or stolen keys.
Waiver of deductible
Hail storm damage to your two cars? Fire damage to your garage, car and home? With this feature, you’ll only pay one deductible when a single loss affects multiple properties.
Contact Professional Underwriters today to check your Auto Insurance coverages.