The following information is provided on behalf of the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services.

When Does the New Law Take Effect?

The law currently requires you to carry unlimited medical coverage to pay for your expenses if you are injured in an auto accident. The new law allows you to choose a level of medical coverage when your policy renews after July 1, 2020. If you are already receiving payments from your auto policy due to injuries from an auto accident, you will continue to receive the current unlimited benefit regardless of the choice you make for the future. This is also true if you are injured in an accident between now and July 1, 2020.


Will My Auto Insurance Bill Be Lower When the Law Goes Into Effect?

Because the new law will allow drivers to choose a level of medical coverage, insurance companies are required to reduce the premium for this coverage (known as PIP coverage) so that there will be an average reduction per vehicle based on the level of coverage chosen.  Your premium and savings will depend on the PIP option you select and other coverages you choose.


How Will I Know What Choices I Have and What to Choose?

The new law requires that agents and insurers give you a form that describes the benefits and risks of the coverage options. You may also want to talk with your insurance agent to discuss your personal auto insurance needs.  In addition, DIFS’ website will be updated on an ongoing basis to provide the latest information to Michigan drivers as the effective dates of the new law approach.

For more information on Auto Insurance, please click here to review your options with Hanover Insurance.

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