Changing or adding a firm name to my architecture/engineering firms policies-
This will vary from policy to policy and with each insurance company. There are a few items to discuss and review when adding the entity name to the policy.
On the professional liability policy, your firm will need to add the entity name to the policy as an additional insured. The policy will list your first firm name of ABC Architects and if your firm is adding a second entity, then that additional firm name will be listed under the first entity name or by an endorsement. If your firm is changing your name, then that will need to be listed first on the policy and the old firm name will need to either stay on the policy or the policy wording needs to include the old firm name. As always, read your policy to know how the additional insured or old firm names are covered.
Your general liability policy will need to add the firm name under the first named insured. The additional firm name will be added by endorsement as well. In addition, if your firm is adding a location with the added entity name be sure that location is added to the policy with the full location information. If your firm is changing your firm name, that will be a simple name change to the policy. This will be the same change for the umbrella policy. Again, make sure the location is on this policy as well.
Worker compensation policy will list, like the general liability, the two or more entity names. In addition, like the general liability policy, if there is a separate location, verify that the additional location is added to the policy. If it is a firm name change, that will follow the same process at the general liability, just simply changing the first named insured on the policy.
If you have any questions about changing or adding a firm name to policies, please call or email your Professional Underwriters agent for assistance.