Contract Requirements for Design Professionals
Design Professionals are constantly being asked to provide proof of insurance coverage and it can be quite overwhelming.
Not only are the requirements sometimes confusing, but they can also be a gateway to taking on additional liability.
Many contracts are designed to protect the owner and are created by the owner’s attorney in a way to be unfair to the design professional.
There are often requests made that are not in line with the size and scope of a project and can cost the design professional a lofty premium charge.
Certificates of insurance (COI) are the most common form of insurance coverage verification used for bidding on a job or when asked for proof of coverage.
The language used in these COI’s is often confusing for the insured and can be another way to increase their exposure.
We always ask our clients to let us review any contract or certificate request that they have any concern with in order to limit their liability.
For additional information on COIs and contract language, please visit the A/E ProNet website HERE