It is important that Design Professionals have a good contract before design begins. There are several ways that this can be accomplished.
Learning contract language and making sure your firm understand the risks that may be associated with the contract. Many Professional Liability carriers do offer risk management seminars to help with the understanding of different contract clauses and language.
A Professional Association contract, such as AIA can be an effective contract. It isn’t one sided and the language is general standard language used amongst many versions of the contracts. There can be costs associated with these types of contracts.
Many insurance carriers offer contract review services. It is important to note that the carriers review the contract for insurability and not legal issues. So when getting a contract review from a carrier make sure you also get it reviewed by legal counsel.
It is important for firms to have an attorney that understands contracts for Design Professionals. The attorney will review the contract for legal issues that may come up for the design firm. The attorney may also be able to negotiate the contract for your firm. Here are a few attorneys in Colorado that specialize in working with Design Professionals:
Negotiating on a contract is important and sometime necessary for contracts that are one sided. Your firm doesn’t want to get into a contract that puts your firm at risk.
Your PUI Agent is always a good resource to provide you with information about contracts. Please let us know if you have any questions we can help out with.