Hired and Non-owned Automobile Liability for Architects/Engineers
Also referred to as HNOA, this coverage can be found in your business owner policy or package policy. Hired auto means any auto you lease, hire, borrow or rent. Non-owned auto refers to employees driving their owned vehicles on business for their employer. Non-owned are autos that are not owned leased or hired by the employer. The coverage protects the employers interested and is excess coverage for the employer. The employee must have their own auto coverage which will pay first on the claim.
It is common to have the HNOA coverage as a part of your business owner policy or package policy. It may also be referred to as automobile liability on a certificate of insurance. Additionally your firm may get the request to have this coverage as a contract requirement.
The HNOA coverage is important to protect your firm for an auto liability situation. Your employees drive their own vehicles for business meetings, job site visits, etc. If your employee were involved in an accident during ‘business’ time, your firm could be held liability for negligence of the employee. The HNOA liability coverage protects your firm in this case. Additionally the auto liability applies to rental vehicles for business.
The limits for this type of coverage are typically $1,000,000 or $2,000,000, check with your insurance company to provide pricing for this coverage. The premium for HNOA is not typically high and more often than not a contract requirement from your clients.
Read your business owner or package policy to determine if your firm does indeed have this coverage. If not, check with your insurance agent to provide pricing for HNOA. If you do have questions please call or email your Professional Underwriters agent.