Insuring the 2016 Olympics


Insuring the 2016 Olympics

How do you do that?  And what insurance companies are going to take on that kind of risk?

Aside from the obvious health concerns of the Zika virus and unclean water, along with safety advisories against Brazil’s known pickpocketers and muggers –  stop to consider everything else that needs to be insured!  All people involved from the actual International Olympic Committee down to the athlete’s themselves. There’s insurance for terrorism, natural catastrophes and even for those precious bronze, silver and gold medals. Athlete meet-and-greets, sponsors, broadcasters and even advertisers have insurance protection.

Wherever there is a large gathering, you can be sure there is a huge presence of insurance in place to protect everything and everyone.

For a more in depth understanding of just how big a deal insurance is in the 2016 Olympics, CLICK HERE.

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