Jewelry and Valuable Items Insurance
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Jewelry & Valuable Items?
Homeowners insurance may provide limited coverage amounts for lost jewelry or valuable items based on the type of item and cause of loss. Valuable items coverage may provide the protection you need for your valuable possessions in the event of covered loss from, for example, theft or fire.
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Engagement Rings & Wedding Rings?
Homeowners Insurance alone may not sufficiently cover your engagement rings and wedding rings. People who own valuable possessions may need broader coverage than a basic homeowners policy provides. The good news is that there is additional protection available that may help cover the cost of a lost or stolen engagement ring or wedding ring.
Valuable Items Plus (VIP) Blanket Property Endorsement
An optional endorsement to your Hanover Platinum Protection Home policy that allows you to protect a collection (or “blanket”) of valuables, without having the hassle of itemizing them. For an additional premium, you can protect such classes of property on a Valuable Items Plus (VIP) Blanket Property endorsement. Find out more here