Making the most of your Resolution

making the most of your resolution

Were you one of the many that made a New Year’s resolution this year?  Trends show that by the third week in January most people have tossed those right out the window!  We all have the same good intentions or else we wouldn’t even bother making one.

What was yours?  Eat better, be nicer, give up something, vow to visit others more often?  Or did you chose the road to pamper yourself more, make more ‘me’ time?  How about cut down on spending, or buy less brand names?  The intentions are limitless, from one extreme to another.

If you’re on the verge of slipping or even giving up, here’s some helpful tips to stay on track.

Top 10 Healthiest New Year’s Resolutions

And you know, maybe you just need to reevaluate your resolution and choose another path!  You can always revisit it come 2017.


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