The dos and don’ts of a workers compensation policy for architects/engineers-
While the workers compensation policies to not have a high frequency of claims for architects/engineers, there are still items to be aware of with the policy.
Do provide correct salaries for employees on the policy so the insurance company can provide a quote that is accurate. Even though the initial policy is an estimate, it helps at the audit time to not have to have additional premium.
Don’t list architects/engineers as clerical employees, this is not correct. Since architects/engineers are in the field they must be defined as such. Clerical staff, are just that, sitting at a desk for most of the day.
Do complete your workers compensation audit at the end of the policy period. The premium that is set at the beginning of a policy period is an estimate. The audit will give the accurate number and premium for the policy period.
Don’t forget to display your postings and notices your firm receives from the insurance company in a common area of your office. This provides information to your firms employees about the workers compensation policy in the event of an injury.
Do update the insurance company if you have a large change in salaries or job titles during the policy period. Even though your firm does an audit, if it is a large enough change, it may make sense to change it during the policy period.
Don’t forget to add locations if your firm has more than one location outside of your state that your firm is domiciled. Even if you have employees that work from home in a different state, which is more common now, those states need to be added to the policy
If you have any questions with regards to workers compensation policy for architect/engineer policies please call or email your Professional Underwriters agent for assistance.