Things to Consider Before Using Your Personal Vehicle for Work

Things to Consider Before Using Your Personal Vehicle for Work

Many of us work for a company or are small business owners that require we go above and beyond the normal show up, work, and go home routine. You may be asked to attend off property meetings, fundraisers, or events. For those instances, you are usually asked or have the need to use your personal vehicle to get to those places. In most cases, that is easy and doesn’t require anything other than gas. However, if your job entails the constant use of your personal vehicle for company errands, client meetings, or commute between company properties, you may need to take into consideration all that it entails.

personal vehicle


If you are using your car for more than driving to and from work, there may be insurance requirements that you should consider to keep yourself out of trouble. Depending on the nature of use and amount of driving required, you may be required to carry commercial insurance.  Your personal insurance with an added exception may be enough to cover light use of your personal vehicle for business purposes, however, never assume you are covered without contacting your insurance company.  This will help avoid the headache of denied claims in case of an accident and large citations for insufficient insurance coverage if pulled over by the cops.

Whether you are thinking of using the vehicle strictly for business use or for both business and personal use, take into consideration all that it entails. Check with your insurance company for any requirements. Be sure to check with your employer for any reimbursement programs or liability insurance requirements they may require. If you are planning to use the vehicle for your own business, you may be well off to have a vehicle intended strictly for business purpose.

Read more here about additional concerns.

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